We are proud to announce that Dural Dental Practice has been awarded full practice accreditation in March 2017. This helps demonstrate our commitment to your safety and ensures you receive the best quality care from all aspects.
Our Dental Accreditation started in 2016, when we started looking through all our policies, guidelines and the requirements of National Safety and Quality Health Service standards (NSQHS standards). The NSQHS standards are specific guidelines that are outlined on behalf of the government by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. They are developed in association with the Australian Dental Association with the aim to protect the health of patients by “enforcing the highest possible standards for safety in a dental practice”.
Dental Accreditation is an independent review that tests whether a dental practice is able to meet the criteria set for that industry. Currently Accreditation is entirely voluntary.
We are very thankful to our team at Dural Dental Practice for all their hard work to help complete this process.
What Does Accreditation Mean For You?